
Meet Tracy Garcia

Tracy Garcia, founder of the Movement Institute, is a licensed Manual Therapist and Somatic Educator. With nearly two decades of experience, Tracy combines her passion for the human body with a commitment to honoring its natural repair processes. She has helped a diverse range of clients, from professional athletes and weekend warriors to stroke survivors, individuals with mobility issues, and children and adults with various learning and intellectual disabilities. Tracy’s approach has consistently improved their well-being without the side effects of drugs or invasive interventions.

Philosophy and Approach

At the Movement Institute, our mission is to help bodies heal and maintain an active lifestyle at any age. Our approach focuses on enhancing neurological stability and ensuring healthy connective tissue, also known as fascia, to keep our bodies vibrant.

The Need for Movement Institute

Joint pain, injury, stiffness, and inflexibility affect an estimated 30 million Americans of all ages, from professional athletes to those who spend extensive time in front of screens. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 adults has arthritis and reports severe joint pain, with 1 in 10 adults limiting activities due to this pain. Our bodies have built-in biological intelligence designed to protect and support us instinctively. Understanding inflammation and how it aids in repair is crucial to unlocking this potential.

Our Unique Philosophy

At the Movement Institute, we teach bodies to understand the messages from nerves to move out of pain instead of blocking these messages, which can lead to other major adverse events in the body. When we override these natural signals, we compensate in our movements and in other body systems. This ‘natural wiring’ is embedded into our DNA, bones, muscles, organs, tissues, and viscera.

Comprehensive and Holistic Treatment

Our holistic approach offers more than just ordinary treatment. We integrate various therapies and practices to promote health and wellness, including:

  • Massage Therapy

  • Movement Therapy

  • Joint Range of Motion Exercises, Personalized For You

  • Stretching

  • Meditation and Breathing Techniques

  • Neurological Strength and Conditioning

In addition, we emphasize the importance of nutrition, hydration, and maintaining a healthy gut biome for optimal body repair and wellness. Small changes can lead to significant gains in building a happier, healthier body.

Our Services

The Movement Institute offers therapeutic care for all bodies through both livestream and private settings.

  • Movement Therapy (MT)

  • Massage Therapy

  • Lymphatic Drainage

  • Clinical Thai Bodywork (CTB)

  • Pre-natal Massage (PNM)

  • Guided Meditation (GM)

    Additionally, we provide these pop-up classes via YouTube, Instegram

  • miYOGA

  • miCORE

  • miSOURCE

  • miMOOV

  • MELT


For all treatments, we provide a personalized self-care plan to keep you moving happily!

Join Us

Our classes and therapies are designed to improve stability, balance, and overall well-being. Discover the innovative and brilliant solutions that fit your needs. Make it your own with the Movement Institute.